Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Sidewalks and Jack Rabbits

Not to continue on with my obsession with winter, sidewalks and rodents and maybe a titch of cabin fever. But the other day who did I see using a sidewalk that I shoveled? A human, hell the fuck no

But this guy. Not this guy exactly and he might have been a she for all I know and well the rabbit wasn't just a drawing because then you all would know that I was having issues with cabin fever

but looked something like this . Except in a off white sweater.

This picture below is someone with a really bad case of Cabin Fever or is just a blood thirsty rabbit killing SOB who is so impressed by his ability to kill the ONLY CREATURES IN REGINA WHO USE THE DAMN SIDEWALK IN FRONT OF MY DAMN HOUSE.

I wonder if he had them stuffed and put in his den along with assorted other rodents that he has killed like the vicious kangaroo rat (see previous post where kangaroo rats will eat their young, so if you are a young kangaroo rat and are reading this post, don't piss off your mother).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just realised you added a place where we can add comments. I love your writing Claudia. You usually bring me my first smile of the day.