Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Cabin Fever

cabin fever
Distress or anxiety caused by prolonged confinement in a small or remote place, as in We've been snowed in for a week and everyone has cabin fever. Originating in the West, this term at first alluded to being penned up in a remote cabin during a long winter but has since been applied more broadly. [Late 1800s]

Having been here in Regina for the past 5 months and experienced my first winter in the prairies, though if you talk to anyone who was raised here they would say it has been very mild. Strangely they say this in a rather disappointed voice, because boy when I first moved here and people found out I was new everywhere I went people would say. Oh ya think it is cold now eh? (no they actually talk like this sometimes) just wait until January when it is 47 below, now that is some cold weather. Then they laugh, a sinister laugh I would say and there always seemed that music should have been playing as they told me about January in Regina. You know what kind of music I mean, you know the same music that is used when the slutty cheerleader who has slept with the captain of the football team in the horror films decides to take the flashlight whose batteries are almost dead to go into the basement where they find... yep you guessed it Stephen Harper and the straight laced, humourless wearing we love Bush t-shirts Conservative party.

To be honest I do blame Cabin Fever for the conservatives getting voted in I mean what other reason is there?

Oh yeah and most people who tell me to fear the January all book out of Canada and go to Mexico. They mostly come back from Mexico looking something like this: Well not exactly looking like Jack here but the colour is somewhat the same. You know remembering to add "u" all these words is a bit of a pisser.

Not that I am bitter about other going to Mexico or other places where the Canadian dollar will go farther. Nope not me I am just fine watching the salt slowly eat away at my car. Another reason to move to Canada - not one slug up here.

Just to help those of you out who wonder am I getting cabin fever or not let me clue you in on a few signs that will give you a heads up on it.

1. You start understanding the character that Jack plays in the Shining. I mean you really do, in fact you put the pictures up everywhere you can.
2. You become outraged that Pamela Anderson has not be awarded an Oscar, even though she has been in only one film where she wore more leather the all of the S&M crowd on a Saturday Night in San Francisco combined.
3. You have the grinder on the kitchen table and spend like too much time keeping those knives, swords, axes and spears sharp.
4. You start to remodel your house because you are tired of staring at the same 4 walls. Though you find using your fists to knock out the drywall is hard on your nails.
5. You don't find how the canadians speak quite so cute and endearing anymore.
6. You cry watching American Idol, Wife Swap, Canadian Idol and the election of the conservatives to power.
7. You fixate on Stephen Harper and wonder who in the hell stole his upper lip.
8. You start believing the cats are throwing shit out the cat box and coughing up fur balls just to drive you batty.
9. The snow - yep it was really pretty the first couple months - now it's got dog crap, spit out gum, dirt and you are beginning to pray for a good blizzard to clean things up again.
10. You start driving 60 khm an hour in a 50 khm zone just to live on the edge.

Not saying that I have cabin fever, I don't though for some reason I can't get rid of one of the pictures that I put up on this blog.

Oh yeah and here is Stephen Harper for those of you who didn't see him in Brokeback Mountain - see no frigging upper lip.

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