Friday, January 19, 2007

Well fuck

I so hate those New Year Resolutions. They are way, like way fucking stupid. I should of made a new year resolution not recognize New Years since it is part of the fascist society that we are part of (except in Saskatchewan) where we are forced to at least acknowledge these holidays probably created by white rich men who belong to the Masons or some such cult.

So promised to write in my blog every few days - fucking blew that off after what 10 days. That is pitiful.

I have been working on my novel - but if I put it on the web then those rich white men who are part of cults will steal my creative genius and use it to control the masses, so fuck that shit if anyone is going to control the masses, I want to do it.

I was going to cut down on swearing - oh fuck I never promised anything of the motherfucking sort. OK least I have some of my integrity still standing.

Diet. Cock sucking evil word created by once again the cult Male Chauvinist Society that wants to keep women down by keeping them thin, writing a zillion books on how to lose weight, thereby keeping them obsessed by food and their bodies because if they weren't obsessing about food and their bodies, they would see what a fucked up job the evil Male empire was doing and would gain a bit of weight and kick some major fucking ass. Are you with me ladies?

Yeah well so OK, we bought Potato Chips because some friends were coming over on Tuesday. They didn't eat it. Potato Chips are like Cocaine to me. I waited (remember that was Tuesday this is now FRIDAY) and kept eating my nuts, buying good stuff from the Health food store and then it happened. Those greasy little shits started Calling my name. Clauuuuuudia, oh Clauidiaaaaaaaa (fuckers can't spell either) crunch, crunch, oh how yummy. Well you realize if I ate a few then Barb would find out and I would be busted. If I ate the entire bag then I would feel like puke, but since I am not a bulimic I would just feel like it not do it. So then... I would have to buy another bag and never admit to the massive munching of the first bag. And that my friends is like drinking and then not saying anything and going around pretending I'm sober.

So ain't fucking going to do it.

I ate the potato chip, but I did not kill the deputy. (for those of you who are too young it is from an old song probably written and sung by the white male fascist cultist society).

I also refuse to feel bad about it. I worked out today. I did dishes and wrote in my book. And I let you all know the truth.

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