Friday, March 24, 2006

It's Been So Long I Apologize

I know reading this blog brings a smile to you face and for most gives you a reason to get up in the morning so for those how haven't gotten up and gone to work because I haven't written in this blog all I can say is - that is really a pitiful excuse, it really is.

So I finally have faced some of the provinces red tape and boy am I so excited by it. I feel just like home except I'm not and they can deport me and being an alien isn't like a Steven Spielberg movie I can tell you that much. No glowing fingers, no funny voices, no trying to communicate with a customs agent from a big space craft with a bunch of pretty lights and organ music, it is none of that. What it is, is a total irritating piss me off pain in the ass. But then I guess that is their job, so damn it give them a raise or even better retire them so I can talk to some one who doesn't speak in a monotone voice droning on about rules and regulations.

So I am supposed to register my car, my tabs on car from Washington are expired at the end of March (please this is not a post about me and my procrastination issues) so I figured no problem. I would do them online and bingo get them sent to my parents house in the states and then beg my sister who doesn't talk to me to mail them to me. Easy enough. Then I find out I can't because I have have an emissions test to find out if my car is polluting the environment. It is a Toyota 4-runner of course it is polluting the environment. What car doesn't.

So I go on the Saskatchewan Licensing website call them up (they are totally nice and real people) and find out that I am supposed to turn over my license and plates within 90 days. Ok now I am not only an alien but I am illegal. But no problem go in, don't have to take a drivers test (really cool) and it is much cheaper then registering my car in the States. All I have to do is get my car checked out by customs and get a form

CUSTOMS - do I need to say more. So I get on the phone with someone who really doesn't want to be there or anywhere. One snowflake short of a blizzard if you know what I mean. I say I have a work visa for 6 months. He says not good enough I need one for one year. So what do I do I ask? You are illegal. I said but I have a work visa. He says get a letter from the company you are working for that says you have employment for one year. I go ok, so until I get that I can't get license, plates and am illegal. He grunts out yes.

I of course didn't tell him who I was or where I lived.

Problem is, I haven't gotten a job yet with this place I have been volunteering for 5 months. So I have to get job, get a letter then register my car. Until then I am illegal and stressed out.

So just thought I would share that with you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

VIBES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!that all works out!!!! I ((heart)) you!!!!